Guidance during the Covid 19 Pandemic
The well-being, health and safety of children, their families and those working in the early learning and care (ELC) and school age childcare (SAC) sector during the Covid 19 pandemic, is a priority of the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).
The First Five website provides guidance for parents and service providers on the reopening, operating and use of ELC and SAC services, including Childminding services.
The First5 website is updated on an ongoing basis, in line with changing public health advice and includes a section dedicated to Childminders. The Childminding section includes helpful Covid specific documents for a childminding business including a Childminding Guidelines during Covid 19, sample Infection Control Policy for Childminders, a sample Childminding Risk Assessment template and practical Childminding specific tip sheets.
Guidance can be accessed here.