Applications now open for ReCreate DCYA Bursaries
Applications now open for ReCreate DCYA Bursaries
ReCreate bursaries will be offered to school aged childcare settings. Each bursary will provide the setting with a yearlong membership allowing them access to ReCreate to use as often as they need.
Included in the bursary will be an opportunity to attend an open workshop event 4 times over the course of the year offering each setting the opportunity to come along and maximise their membership and use ReCreate effectively in their setting.
Bursaries will be awarded via an application process managed by ReCreate and evenly distributed amongst geographical areas.
Allocation of bursaries
175 Bursaries will be made available. 5 bursaries to each county, with 10 each to Dublin, Wicklow, Meath, Cork & Limerick.
If ReCreate don’t receive the required amount of applications from some counties, we may allocate more bursaries to other counties.
How to apply
Settings that meet the bursary criteria (school aged childcare settings) may apply by filling out our online application form below.
The closing date for applications is Friday 7th February.