Consultation on Tusla Quality Regulatory Framework
Tusla have issued an Invitation to participate and give feedback via on line survey on Tusla Early Years Inspectorate Draft Quality and Regulatory Framework (QRF) to all stakeholders in the area of early childhood care and education.
The consultation process is anonymous and will remain open until Monday 15th January 2018.
The document in question was developed following a period of research and the QRF, sets out the parameters under which the Early Years Inspectorate will assess services for compliance with the Regulations. Within the QRF the regulations are grouped together under 4 themes as follows:
a) Governance; b) Health Welfare and Development of the Child c) Safety and d) Premises & Facilities.
Within each section relevant regulations documented are accompanied by a detailed interpretation of the regulations setting out what is required for compliance. This requirement is informed by robust evidence including national and international research and best practice in Early Years’ Services.
Draft QRF Documents. There are separate draft QRF documents for service in each of the following categories:
- Full Day Care and Part-Time Day Care services
- Sessional services
- Childminding services
- Drop-in and Temporary services
- Overnight services
Tusla are requesting that providers, parents or any other interested stakeholders access and read the draft QRF documents available at this link, in advance of completing the survey below.