DCYA Capital Funding Programme 2018
Monday 4th December, 2017
The Minister for Children and Youth Affairs is delighted to announce that there will be an Early Years and a School Age Childcare Capital Programme in 2018. The purpose of this announcement is to alert childcare services about the upcoming programme and give time to prepare to apply for the grants.
This year’s programme call will consist of 5 Strands.
– Strand 1: Expansion of an existing facility or creation of a new facility (Early Years)
– Strand 2: Essential building maintenance (Early Years, community services only)
– Strand 3: Creation of new natural outdoor play area (Early Years)
– Strand 4: The expansion of an existing facility or creation of a new facility (School Age Childcare)
– Strand 5: Essential building maintenance & quality improvement (School Age Childcare, community services only)Services can apply for all strands for which they are eligible.
Please note that in 2018, Early Years and School Age Childcare Capital schemes will run concurrently.
It is hoped to open applications early in 2018 to allow for appraisal, decision-making and contracting to take place in advance of the summer.
DCYA reference numbers
Please note-
To apply for funding under any of the strands, ALL applicants MUST HAVE a valid DCYA reference number.
The DCYA reference number under which an application is made MUST relate to the facility (address) at which the grant monies are to be spent and reported.
If you intend to move or open a facility at a different address you MUST obtain a new DCYA reference number before the opening of capital applications. You must have a DCYA reference number for each facility i.e. premises for which you wish to make an application for funding.
To obtain a DCYA reference number you must first contact your local City/County Childcare Committee who will provide you with the relevant support and advice.
All Early Years services are required to register with Tusla and your City/County Childcare Committee will help you in this regard. For new Early Years premises, DCYA can provide reference numbers in advance of a Tusla fit-for-purpose check for the purpose of applications to the Capital programme.
All School Age Childcare Services are required to register with DCYA only. Your local City/County Childcare Committee will advise and support you in this regard.
Further information on 2018 Capital programmes will be available in December and full application guidelines will follow early in 2018.