DCYA Announcement – Investment in play to transform young lives
Investment in play to transform young lives
€250,000 funding awarded to 26 Local Authorities on National Play Day 2018, for new and innovative play and recreation projects
Statement by Minister Katherine Zappone
1st July 2018
To mark National Play Day 2018, the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr Katherine Zappone T.D., today announced funding for children’s play and recreation projects across Ireland.
26 Local Authorities will benefit from funding for projects under the Capital Grant Scheme for Play and Recreation, for new and innovative play and recreation projects and the improvement of existing facilities. The total value of the Scheme is €250,000.
The projects funded by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) include the upgrade and redevelopment of older play spaces, as well as new projects such as: accessible improvements to community playgrounds; a garden outdoor classroom and the provision of accessible playground equipment that will enable children with disabilities to use and enjoy their local playgrounds with friends and families.
“Play has the ability to transform young lives. It helps our children develop an appetite for adventure, exploration and fun – while also giving big health benefits. I believe play should be accessible to all,” said Minister Zappone
This funding will be focused on Play and Recreation projects which are inclusive, accessible, and safe and take into account the views of children and young people”.
The Minister noted that the 2018 Scheme was oversubscribed and competitive. Successful applications were those that best met the funding criteria. Matched funding is being provided in each case by the relevant Local Authority.
“I would like to thank all of those who applied for funding under this Scheme, and to pay tribute to the commitment of the community groups and Local Authorities who are working together to improve the quality of the play and recreation facilities available to children and young people in Ireland”, concluded Minister Zappone.
The announcement of the Capital Grant awards is being made on National Play Day 2018. Since 2011, the DCYA has provided annual funding to support National Play Day. The aim of National Play Day is to help increase public awareness of the importance of play.
Grants are offered to Local Authorities to organise activities that promote a theme that is decided by DCYA and the Local Authority Play and Recreation Network.
The theme for National Play Day 2018 was ‘Celebrating 25 Years of a Child’s Right to Play’. Check with your Local Authority for events running in your region.
Play and Recreation Funding Projects
See the original announcement on the DCYA Website.