Launch of AIM Application Process for September 2018

Launch of the AIM application process for September 2018 pre-school year
For children who are currently receiving AIM supports and are eligible to avail of a 2nd year of the ECCE programme from September 2018
If the child is eligible and is returning to the same pre-school setting for a second year and circumstances have not changed, services in receipt of AIM Level 7 supports must submit a 2nd year extension request for all eligible children. This request can be submitted via the AIM tab on the PIP Portal and is available from Thursday 26th April.
If the child who is currently availing of AIM supports is moving to another pre-school in September 2018, a new AIM application has to be made by the new pre-school provider in conjunction with the parent(s).  This application process will open on 1 May 2018
New AIM applications:
For children eligible for the ECCE programme for the first time from September 2018 where AIM supports are required, the pre-school provider, in conjunction with the parent(s) should make an application for AIM by completing an Access and Inclusion Profile.  This application process will open on 1 May 2018.
To apply for a child’s 1st year Level 7 support a service request must be included in the submission of a Level 4: AIM Application.  This application form can be accessed via the AIM tab on the PIP Portal and will be available from Tuesday 1st May.
Please contact [email protected] if you require any support in the submission of your application.
Apply early!
Applications should be made as early as possible to ensure that the relevant supports are in place when required.
For more information see the original announcement on your PIP Portal.
For more general information on the AIM model and Level 4 – 7 application process Service Providers and Parents are also welcome to contact us by phone on 056-7752865.