What is Core Funding?
Core Funding is a payment to providers designed to support quality, sustainability, and enhanced public management, with associated conditions in relation to fee control and cost transparency, incorporating funding for administration and to support the employment of graduate staff.
Core Funding is a grant to Early Learning and Care (ELC) and/or School Age Childcare (SAC) providers to support them in meeting increased operating costs.
It is designed to deliver:
▪ affordability for parents through ensuring no increases in fees and offering NCS and ECCE to all
eligible children;
▪ quality in services, including through better terms and conditions for staff and supporting
graduate leadership in services; and
▪ sustainability for providers through substantially increased funding to the sector, paid on a consistent and equitable basis.
Core Funding is a key pillar of the new funding model recommended by an Expert Group in their report, Partnership for the Public Good: a New Funding Model for Early Learning and Care and School-Age Childcare, published in December 2021.
It is designed to enable a new type of partnership between the State and ELC
and SAC providers to deliver the public good.
Core Funding will operate alongside NCS, ECCE (at standard capitation rates), AIM and the CCSP Saver Programme and be in addition to income from these funding streams and any income received in parental fees.
Importantly, Core Funding will only come into effect and is contingent upon Employment Regulation Orders
being in effect to cover all roles across the sector as defined in the Early Years’ Service Joint Labour Committee Establishment Order.
For full details on Core Funding click Here