Kilkenny County Childcare Committee will facilitate Always Children First Foundation Level Training on Saturday 16th September from 9am-4:30pm, in Kilkenny Education Centre, Callan Road, Kilkenny.
This training aims to build on previous learning from the TUSLA eLearning programme and will provide further understanding of child safeguarding practice for those who work directly with children and families in early years and school age services.
There will also be a maximum of two places available per service.
*IMPORTANT NOTE – It is a pre-requisite of the Child Protection Foundation Training to have completed the Tusla Children First E-Learning Training Programme within the last 12 months. You will be required to submit this certificate to KKCCC in advance of attending the training* You will find the link to the online training Here for all those who need to complete it before attending the training.
There will be light refreshments provided at 11am, lunch is not included.
To book a place on this training please contact Emma on 056-7752865, or email [email protected].