Pobal Early Years Service Profile 2017/18

​*** PIP Announcement ***

The Early Years Service Profile 2017/2018 – Deadline: 5pm, Friday 27th April

The deadline for submitting this year’s Early Years Service Profile is 5pm, Friday 27th April.
The data provided by early years service providers is critical to understanding and mapping trends in the sector and will be used by Government to inform future policy and planning at both local and national levels.
The information provided in this year’s survey will be particularly important for planning capacity at a local level, capital funding and promoting accessibility for people with disabilities.
Where can I access the survey?
When you login to the PIP portal, you will land on the ‘Service’ page which contains a link to the ‘Early Years Service Profile 2017/2018.’
How long will it take to complete the Service Profile?
The length of time it takes to complete the survey depends on the size of your service, the number of staff and number of children enrolled.
Based on feedback from previous years, it should take between 30 minutes to an hour to complete a survey. The service profile contains a ‘Save as Draft’ function so that it can be completed in more than one sitting.
Are guidelines available for filling out the form?
The Early Years Service Profile Guidelines 2017/2018  provides helpful tips for completing your survey.
You can also find these guidelines in the How to Guidessection in PIP Resources.
Who do we contact for help?
If your service has any questions about the Early Years Service Profile, please contact the Pobal Helpdesk at:
Tel:       01 511 7222
We greatly appreciate your contribution to improving our knowledge of the early years sector.